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We sold our souls for $300.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


I would like to thank the Red Hot Chili Peppers for the post title. California does inspire lots of music. Quick shout out to TuPac for his California Love as well. Can’t forget Dre’s work on that. The D-R-E, a straight G, on a robbin’ spree.

The CA election was over; CA-50 went Republican, despite the Dukester. Ugh. First, it was not really that close, which makes me nervous because lots of liberal blogs etc. had it closer than it ended up. I worry that the perception that the country is gaining some sense is only one I have from where I spend my time. It is also very disturbing my team-ism for the voters of CA-50. The republican congressman got 8 years. That wasn’t enough for the party to lose the seat. Kos blames Busby for not being progressive enough and that the key is to mobilize the base. Not sure I agree. I am not sure how much of that is pandering to special interests. Also, I am sick of hearing about the base deciding to stay home. Am I supposed to accept that there were all these hard core progressives in San Diego who thought that it would be better for a republican to have the seat? It wasn’t worth it for them to vote? If that is so, we should all just go the fuck home because our team sucks. Our democracy is pretty fucked up.

Not as fucked up as my voting experience last night however. The whole cast of characters was there. We had totally ineffectual professor-type guy in charge. We had the angry woman getting into it with the librarian type who checks your name off the list. She was registered as peace and freedom and then wanted a Democratic ballot, which she couldn’t have. Then stormed out without voting. She was bat-shit insane. Then you have the homeless guy sleeping outside the bathrooms and the poor woman who wanted to use them. Ineffectual professor guy said he couldn’t keep an eye on the homeless guy while she was in the can. We also had the woman who cannot follow any instructions. The rules are for everyone else. She signed in, and then went back to her car for some reason. When she returned, she got herself ahead of this other woman – who was following instructions – claiming she was there first. So she goes to vote and, of course takes the other woman’s ballot. That takes 10 minutes to resolve. The polling place has 3 little cardboard booths. In California, we used to punch holes – but there were hanging chads. Then we did touch screens – but they had no paper trail. Now we use felt markers. Yes, I had to wait for a marker. Next year we will do our ballots with beads and felt. Wheels of democracy.

You have to excuse my bitterness as the main event in this election was between two serious douches. Westly and Angeledies spent the whole time attacking each other over really, really stupid shit. These guys are losers. That is all I can say. They are losers with no ideas. None. The kind of jagoffs who run for class treasurer in 6th grade and think it shows leadership. How the dominant party in one of the 10 largest economies in the world came up with these two, I will never know. Kos seemed to think and Angeledes was a tried and true progressive. Not sure what that means even. I do know this Angeldedss was Davis’s treasurer. Look at our credit rating and you will know all you need to know about him.

If the taliban ever really understood what happened in California and how Davis blew it here, and crafted a message they could sell to the rest of the county, the Dems would be competing for dogcatcher in Joliet, IL and that’s about it. Davis spent the surplus with no foresight into the fact that the bubble was going to burst. This expenditure bought very little for the average citizen of California. He did, however, reward many of his union supporters - say the Prison Guards. These long term deals continue to fuck the state's budget. He couldn’t have fucked up the energy thing more if he was trying to. He was not competent to govern. It is not that he was dull. Not that he was boring. Gray Davis was not smart enough to be the governor. Now his Treasurer wants to be governor. Crap on a stick. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to vote for him because of Arnold.


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