I Can Smell It
Fortunately, I do not live in
Arlen, you have been a complete failure are a protector of the constitution. You are the lapdog of a president who cannot possibly respect you. I don’t know who could. A president with approval ratings in the 30’s has bullied you on the NSA wiretapping, NSA databases, FISA, Torture and pretty much the relevance of congress. I wonder if George could get Jenna on the Supreme Court. Hell, James Dobson has more of a say on the Supreme Court than you do. We all know he was the one who nixed Miers.
Back to the base-rallying stunt. You realize that this will hurt real people. This emboldens those who will attack gay people. It legitimizes them. Fred Phelps appreciates your support. Why don’t you do a fundraiser with him? Don’t give me any of this bullshit how you don’t support it. You enable it. You slap the shiny senate seal of approval on it. From not totally redneck PA, no less.
You and Sam Alito make quite the pair. Sam didn’t really think there were too many blacks at
The rabid wackjobs who support this shit have no soul. You, Arlen, you might have had one, but you didn’t sell it. One night, you just choked it to death. Squeezed the life out of it. In the GOP, you had to do it to get where you are today (just like Sam). Here is the downside. After the soul dies, it starts to rot. The stink of death is all over you. Anyone with a soul can see it. Children fear you. Your eyes are dead, Arlen. I can smell the rot.
What pisses me off so much about the Democrats is how they will play nice in the club. But when push comes to shove, the GOP will attack and the Dems sit around farting - wonder what the hell happened. I figured that is what Pelosi was for. She can't lose her seat, so she is the ideal person to be the attack dog. If there is any backlash, who cares.
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