After Magritte

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Reagan Democrats

Let me just say one thing to all you Reagan Democrats out there. Go fuck yourselves. I am tired. I am so tired of having to listen to you whine on TPM about being in reddish states and that you can’t run on certain positions on “Hot-button” issues. Considering the Dems stand for next to nothing today, that could only mean one of a few things: Abortions, Gays, Blacks and the Grand Iraq Adventure.

So, the rest of us, in places like California and New York (you know the ones with all the people and the economies) have to swallow our values so that the toothless hillbillies in dumbfuckistan don’t get riled up. Cletus, there’s a fag under the bed!! Get yer gun. Screw that. I would rather take my 7th largest economy and go home. We only get 92% of our federal taxes back. What the hell do the rest of you bring to the table anyway?

Look, you stand for something or you don’t. That is it. I am in this for the long haul. Electing some god-awful Republican Light is not going to solve the country’s problems. All it will do is get your ass kicked 4 years later. And spare me the Massachusetts liberal crap. God help us if we can’t look past where someone comes from. What’s next, Sunni’s and Shiites? Are you saying that the northeast can’t ever have a candidate again? Do I have to name them all for you? Since Kennedy, we have had 2 from MA (and 1 of those was a total sacrificial lamb) and 2 from MN. More from Arkansas than NY and CA combined! Must I endure the hideous spectacle of Ivy League men pretending to be ranch hands every four years for the rest of my days?

Let’s be honest here. I think Hillary’s baggage is too great to run. But how much of it is Hillary and how much is that she is a woman? What about Obama? Will the red states let us run him? Robert Byrd would be OK, though? Just wanted to be clear on this.

I am sorry, but I want better. I still want to win on ideas and values. Ours our better. And just maybe if our tactics were, say, competent, we could win. I know it is not all ideas and values, but that doesn’t mean we shift with the wind.

The list of Reagan’s evils is too long to list in this space. I will say this much, to tie his name to the Democratic Party in any way is to kill the party. His presidency was based on division and turning the poor and unfortunate into the enemy. He is diametrically opposed to what I think the Democrats (Roosevelt’s party) stand for. Welfare queens and trickle down economics. Crap on a fucking stick.


Blogger TubaOnFire said...

I love the idea of Reagan as Pennywise the clown. I think it is important to label - to brand and sell. It is all marketing. Bush is Yertle the Turtle.

Oh yeah, to all those union guys who voted Reagan - hows that working out for 'ya? Hear me play my tiny violin.

9:08 AM  
Blogger TubaOnFire said...

What the Dems should do to the "Pennywise Democrats" is what the GOP does to pro-choice taliban. Just fucking lie to them.

9:16 AM  

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