After Magritte

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We sold our souls for $300.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Last night I watched one of the Steven King, Nightmares and Dreamscapes. In it, William H. Macy is a writer who created a 30s style hard boiled detective, Umney (also played by Macy – very well, BTW). The writer’s life is a mess, so he switches lives with the detective – writes himself into the detective story and the detective into his life. As it is Steven King, things don’t go as planned.

That led me to think of how life would work if it was a novel and since Montana is in the air, I thought about the PA PA. It was a wild situation, this woman who takes a bus, by herself, 2,000 miles to maintain the public area’s of Shoshone -- driven by the same lust for adventure and lying book that drove me and Mr. Bulshit to Big Sky. You don’t take a 2,000 mile bus trip unless you are looking for something. What she found was us. The PA PA was good for the roaming Mr. Bullshit. Were we what the PA PA was looking for?

In a novel, we would know the answer. The PA PA would recur like some character in a crappy Dickens book. Our lives would periodically intersect and we would have our roles. We would know at least. Sadly, I don’t and doubt I ever will see the PA PA again. It would be great to sit down and have a drink and a laugh. Not because we were best of friends or anything like that, but just to see how the book ends.


Blogger TubaOnFire said...

The magic word . . . Youth. Where everything is ahead of you, you are building for the future, no limits, no realities, just dreams.
She was really important for you. I think she was the period at the end of Dartmouth. That summer was the psychic break. She was fun and great. I hope that we provided her something - whatever it was she was looking for out there.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the words of the great TubaOnFire "That girl is [still] not right."

9:50 AM  
Blogger TubaOnFire said...

Made my day. Absolutely made my day. Now I wish I wrote these stupid posts better.

Cheers to the PA PA. You deserve nothing but the best. Meetings to go to (damn work), more to come.

1:04 PM  

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